Friday 22 October 2010

Interventions in interview rooms

One of the main problems identified in our analysis is the sense of confinement within the interview rooms, in which clients are likely to spend between 1 to 2 hours, before which they might attend a group session for a further hour. The majority of interview rooms have no natural daylight. We have drawn inspiration from the works of Dan Flavin and James Turrell to experiment with different lighting compositions, to create an illusion of expanded space and openess. We feel that it is imperative to address the cramped conditions of these interview rooms to truly make an improvement to clients' experiences of the centre.

"The Light Inside" James Turrell

1 comment:

  1. I like how you guys have thought of almost everything possible to turn a small little space into something more than it is. Definatly agree that a client would enter the room with the least of the bestest of moods, the best anyone could do is try to address the moodiness by lightning, fantastic guys. Also liked your presentation, you can get all types of clients come in, so your presentation was very realistic in that sense.
