Saturday 9 October 2010

Breakdown of Brief

The brief is speculative and acts as an exercise in branding. It involves the design for a welcome reception, and an interactive façade that appeals to both clients and the public. It must also offer shelter, act as brise soleil and display data. Tactics must focus on encouraging a more positive public perception of the probation organisation. Suggested starting points include:

Jenny Holzer is an American conceptual artist, the main focus of her work is the use of words and ideas (her "truisms") in public spaces and is probably most well known for her projections. The messages can be provocative on their own while they link us to wider themes of violence, oppression, sexuality, feminism, power, war and death.

Klein Dytham's project for Bloomberg in Tokyo showcases financial data in a way in which passers by can interact with. Bloomberg harvests data from around the world and it is processed into a form that can be played with in a tangible and tactile way.

Interface designer Toshio Iwai collaborated with Klein Dytham on the Bloomberg project, and is also the developer of one of my favourite games on Nintendo DS: Electroplankton. It's not your typical "game" as such, more of a series of beautiful musical interactions with strange little luminescent plankton which turns out to be a rather successful (and fun) example of interface design.

Minimalist light installation artist Dan Flavin used fluorescent light fixtures as his main medium. Having not really understood what all the fuss was about until I experienced his work for myself, I discovered that it is not about the object itself, but rather the environment. It's not about the fluorescent tube or bulb itself but what happens when the light diffuses and reflects off walls/windows/spaces and the colours created from this, which I found deeply alluring. The above photo was taken at the Kroller Muller museum, NL, in a room adjacent to that in which his work was displayed.

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